The Almighty Johnsons Wiki
First Appearance: It's Kind Of A Birthday Present 1.01
Played By: Fern Sutherland
Gender: Female
Occupation: Anders' Assistant
Partner: Ty Johnson

Dawn is Anders’ girl Friday and the backbone (and moral centre) of his PR company. She is the woman who keeps things moving in the right direction, often despite the best/worst intentions of her employer. The things she puts up with from him are so remarkable that she wonders why she still works here. In fact, Dawn thinks about Anders a lot – and especially the way every time she resigns he manages to talk her round, talk her into changing her mind. It’s almost like he has this magical power over her. Deep down she wonders if she is in love with him, even though she kind of despises everything he does and everything he stands for.

Yet still she will sort out the messes of the one-night stands he leaves behind; the people he uses and abuses on a regular basis; the shit he lands the company in. Sometimes Dawn despairs that she seems to have no life of her own; that she has ended up married to this job and the dickhead boss who can piss her off then charm her senseless, often within the same conversation.

And all the time Dawn wonders where her life is fast disappearing. She lives alone; she’s been the bridesmaid at so many weddings yet there is no sign of a man on her horizon. Instead, all she has is her job working for a guy who abuses her good nature on a daily basis.

Dawn knows that, deep down, she’s better than this – and one day she’ll prove it to a waiting world.


Early Life

Season 1

Season 2



Dawn and Ty have always liked each other, but due to Anders' meddling she believed that Ty was gay until he cleared it up. Ty admitted she was the kind of girl he could fall for, and Dawn felt the same and the two started a relationship. Ty told her that he had many problems, and Dawn accepted his strange claims, loving him enough to see past his faults. However he broke up with her later, and was furious because she couldn't understand his mixed messages afterwards.
